Service allows users on the MSU network to obtain an IP address so that they may use the Campus Network.

DHCP Device Registration Request Assistance with DHCP Request Device Registration on the MSU Network Request Network Unblock

Related Articles (5)

This article describes how to configure campus firewalls.
Wired and wireless routers allow users to connect multiple networked devices to the MSU network, giving each device access to the Internet. However, in certain situations the configuration of the router will interfere with the campus network.
After completing these steps you will have registered your device and connected it to MSU's network.
This article provides a screenshot of a blocked DHCP address.
How to troubleshoot when a device is unable to connect to the network successfully and is receiving an IP address beginning with 169 (169.x.x.x).

Service Offerings (4)

DHCP Registration Service
The DHCP Registration Service is a web application, plus related utilities, that allows people with MSU network identities to register their DHCP devices to use MSU's network.
Request Device Registration on the MSU Network
Request registration on the MSU Network for a device that cannot use https://dhcp.msu.edu to self-register
Network Unblock
Connections are typically blocked if your system is identified to be causing harm to the campus network or is violating the MSU Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). This form should be used by individuals who understand what needs to be done to clean and repair their systems.

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